Superior General

La Carta – November 2021

DEAR BROTHERS, May the peace of Christ conquer your hearts! November, a time to remember and reflect and I hope this leads us to be more blessed and contemplative. Let us first remember our beloved saints who have been canonized by the Church, especially our very own St. Francis Caracciolo. [...]

November 2nd, 2021|

La Carta – August 2021

Dear Brothers, We begin this month of August with the inspiration of a great saint that we can imitate in our pastoral and religious life. St. John Vianney exemplified the faithful life of a priest. In spite of the many challenges of life and pastoral demands, his eyes [...]

August 4th, 2021|

La Carta – July 2021

Dear Fathers and Brothers, Greetings of peace and Happy Feast of the Foundation of the Order! It is our honor and joy that our Order is 433 years old and by the grace of God, we continue to thrive in a world that is fleeting and transient. In line with our [...]

June 30th, 2021|

La Carta – June 2021

Dear Brothers, I would like to begin this reflection with a question. What is it that motivates us as consecrated men in the Family of the Clerics Regular Minor? This question is actually quite profound because it has to do with what motivates us. In other words, using the words [...]

June 4th, 2021|

Message of the Superior General for Advent and Christmas 2019

My dear brothers, the Christmas spirit is upon us once again. The season where we rekindle within our hearts the great mystery of Christ’s incarnation by which “though He was in the form of God, did not deem equality with God”, something to be grasped at. Rather he took the [...]

December 24th, 2019|

La Carta 1

My Dear Brothers, Let me take a moment of your time to write and speak to you personally. At this moment, I am sitting on the plane and writing this very heartfelt letter to convey to you some of my thoughts during these past few days since my election.  I [...]

August 30th, 2018|

Fr. General’s Letter Soon After His Election

Dear Brothers The 63rd General Chapter of the Clerics Regular Minor has chosen a new Father General from a faraway place. Our past Father General, Raffaele Mandolesi, desired to entrust this Chapter to the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the title and theme of the Chapter was "I will make all things [...]

August 27th, 2018|