Press Release

Simple Profession of Vows in Vinzons

[wzslider autoplay="true"] The Clerics Regular Minor (Adorno Fathers) joyfully announce the Simple Profession of Religious Vows of Bro. Kevin Daborbor, CRM, Bro. John Bert Lolo, CRM, and Bro. Rufino Madridejos, JR, CRM. In the Sanctuary of Jesus our Risen Savior on June 9, 2013. Religious priests of the Adorno Fathers [...]

July 2nd, 2013|

Acceptance to the Postulancy and Novitiate

On the ninth of June 2013, the Adorno Fathers Seminary in Vinzons celebrated the tenth Sunday in Ordinary time with extraordinary moments. Many activities and important moments happened that day such as the admission to the postulancy of five aspirants and the admission to the Novitiate of six postulants. After [...]

July 2nd, 2013|